In what is sure to be seen as the final sign of the official joining of Texas and California, Elon Musk has announced his proposal for a hyperloop that will run from Los Angeles to Austin—and be just 75 minutes one way.
“This is it,” Musk said via Twitter late Thursday night. “Austin has a wealth of transplants from California and it makes sense to use the latest tech to create a portal between these two cities.”
Musk plans to circumvent much of the red tape and personally fund the high-speed transportation system, the price tag of which is currently unknown. The mogul said he has had encouraging talks with officials in both cities. “Everybody wants this,” he responded to a flurry of responses in the Twitter thread.
The one-hour and 15 minute travel time will be shorter than many LA residents’ current commute. Allowing them to buy homes in Austin without having to leave their high-paying jobs in California.
“I can’t tell you how great this is going to be for the local comedy scene in Austin,” said famed podcaster Joe Rogan, “Maybe we’ll finally be able to get some decent tacos around here, too.”
The hyperloop won’t only benefit commuters, several California-based businesses including In-N-Out announced immediate plans for expansion thanks to reduced supply transportation costs.
The Austin Hyperloop terminal will be conveniently located just west of Vic Mathias Shores in South Austin, which is currently the site of an underused dog park. If you have read all the way to this point before sharing the article, then Happy April Fool’s Day. All assertions and quotations in the article attributed to Elon Musk and others are entirely fictionalized. Please don’t sue us, Mr. Musk.